Charged With Assault?
You've come to the right place.
Never Plead Guilty!
If you're facing Assault / Assault With a Weapon / Assault Causing Bodily Harm / Aggravated Assault charges in Toronto, never assume you will be found guilty. Do not plead guilty. Call us first at (416) 400-6668 and speak to an experienced criminal lawyer who believes in you and will fight for you, 24/7.
Value from Experience
Assault is a serious criminal offence that can result in many years in prison. Our long experience fighting assault-related cases allow us to bring the very best defence strategies to bear on your case. Plus, we know Toronto. We know which prosecutors to approach about a deal, and the best strategies to achieve one. We know the judges in Toronto, what they like to hear, and how they like trials in their particular courtroom to proceed..
Best Defence Techniques
Maybe you have a different version of the events that got you charged. Maybe you feel you were genuinely acting in self-defence. Maybe the allegations are simply untrue. As experienced assault lawyers, we will deploy the best defence techniques to give you the justice that you deserve.
Consequences of A Guilty Verdict
If you're found guilty of an assault charge, in addition to the possibility of prison time and a criminal record, you will face challenges securing future employment, traveling to the United States, or becoming a citizen. In some instances, an assault conviction may lead to the deportation of non-citizens. No matter how serious the situation, never assume you'll be found guilty. Do not plead guilty. Call us first at (647) 227-9907 and speak to a lawyer, 24/7.
We Work Fast and Hard For You:
Two recent examples of how we were able to bring 'hopeless' cases to a satisfactory conclusion.
Case: R. vs B.G.
Charge: Assault
Result: All Criminal Charges Withdrawn
Case: R. vs S.J.
Charge: Assault With A Weapon, Pointing a Firearm and Other Firearms' charges
Result: All Criminal Charges withdrawn
Your Best Defence
Your best defence begins as soon as you are charged. Do not assume you will be found guilty. Do not plead guilty. Do not delay. Contact us immediately for your FREE initial consultation. Call us immediately at (647) 227-9907 24/7 and speak directly to a lawyer.
Arrange your FREE consultation now
Call (416) 400-6668 24/7
We also represent clients at the
Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice
Every courthouse in Ontario, including Brampton, Newmarket, Milton,
Guelph, Kitchener, Hamilton, Orangeville,
Niagara (St. Catharines), and Woodstock.
Value from Experience.